Sunday, August 21, 2011

¡Adiós, Minnesota!

Arica is on located on the coast in Northern Chile
near the Peruvian border.
The time has finally come to say goodbye to Minnesota and hello to Chile!  I have been thinking about this day since I decided 5 months ago to spend the semester in Arica, Chile through SIT's program Public Health, Traditional Medicine, and Community Empowerment.  So for the next 4-ish months I will be in various areas of Chile (primarily in Arica, a port city on the coast about 15 miles from the Peruvian border), along with a few excursions to Peru and Argentina, learning all about the Chilean Health System, indigenous medicine, health inequalities, alternative health practices, accessibility, community empowerment, and public health planning -- all, while of course, improving my Spanish and experiencing Latin American culture to the fullest!

On this map you can see Arica's
surrounding area - there's Tacna to the north
and Putre/Parque Nacional Lauca to the East --
a few of the places I'll be visiting this semester. 
My journey begins early tomorrow morning, with my first flight leaving the Twin Cities at 9:10am.  From there I continue on to Houston, Texas; Lima, Peru; Santiago, Chile; and finally to Arica.  Yes, that's four flights - with a total travel time of (hopefully) 25 hours 40 minutes.  Keep your fingers crossed that I make it there on time and with my bags, because I don't exactly have the best of luck when it comes to traveling.  But, considering all goes well, I should be arriving in Arica on Tuesday at 11:50am Eastern time!

That's all for now, check back in a few days for some photos of my first few days in Chile!


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